Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around.Unlike Vash'jir, Mount Hyjal is much easier to tour, thanks to the. the player has not completed the introductory quest to Mount Hyjal.There is only one other access south of Winterspring Then you take the quest to ride the back of a dragon into Hyjal The most convenient way to reach Hyjal is via a flying mount (you may fly in Azeroth once you get the Flight Master's License) if portals within Stormwind City (Eastern Earthshrine) or Orgrimmar (Valley of Wisdom) are unavailable, i.e. She tells you to take a portal to Moonglade, and turn in the quest there. You stand in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, look at the Hero's Board, which wants you to go talk to a druid (for alliances, she is in the stormwind keep). Watch this movie for how to reach the zone.

Players initially travel to Hyjal by picking up Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!/Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal!-a member of the Cenarion Circle will port you to Moonglade, from which a dragon will fly you into Hyjal During Vanilla you could reach Mount Hyjal by jumping on a certain pillar in southern Winterspring. Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal, in Northern Kalimdor: Port from Stormwind/Orgrimmar opens up after initial quest series. If you get more than twenty feet, congratulations The resurrection site is on the other side of the chasm and you can revive yourself there. All anyone has to do is jump into the ravine blocking the path and die.