Demand Your Respect: Protect yourself with human shields, throw rivals into oncoming traffic and zero-in your nut-shot using all-new Fine Aim controls.Make Your Mark: Customize your crib, recruit your gang, and set your swagger using countless combinations of character configuration.

Reclaim Your Turf: Rebuild the Saints and seek revenge against rivals to reestablish your crew as the rightful kings of Stilwater.The time has finally come to seek revenge against your rivals to reestablish your crew as the rightful kings of Stilwater. The Saints once ruled these streets as a crew of brothers, and their return to the top can help be secured through co-operative alliances. The fight to reclaim Stilwater does not have to be waged alone. Respect in Stilwater needs to be taken, and what better way than to grab it from the hands of a gang full of enemies by means of a satchel charge. Sometimes sending a message to your enemies requires heavy lifting, like that of a rival gang member into oncoming traffic. Style and image can only take you so far in a world where actions speak louder than words. The only constant is the need for an identity that reflects your individuality and is backed up by your 12 gauge. The image you portray is as important as the decisions you make in a city ruled by false bravado and impulsive behavior. Your crib, your crew, and your character define who you are on the streets and how you are perceived. Respect can only be earned in Stilwater, and that requires a lifestyle that reflects your unique personality. Abandoned and left scarred with an unrecognizable face, you seek out a plastic surgeon to begin your new life on the streets of Stilwater. Unfamiliar gangs have laid claim to your territory, rival factions have taken over your rackets, and cash-hungry corporations have laid waste to your once proud 3rd Street home. As you awake from a coma for the first time since that fateful day, you find the Stilwater you once ruled is in disarray. Five years have passed since your former Saints crew betrayed you.