+ FXAA implemented, edge smoothing removed. Depth of field / soft particle issue in combination with watersurface. Fixed lighting exploit when using animal transformation scrolls. + Specular light calculation changed from Blinn-Phong to Phong. Numerous holes between the head and the body of various NPCs have been mostly closed. When a weapon hits water, the water waves won't hover diagonally in the air. + Rim lighting and subsurface scattering on NPCs implemented. + Rim lighting, soft water and soft particles can't be switched off anymore. + Self shadowing added to light calculation. + Vegetation can now receive dynamic shadows (only when shadow quality is set to "very high"). + Dynamic shadows now fade out by distance. Shadow issue fixed that occured on Radeon 4000 graphic cards and above. You can assign info files to those "ghosts". + For modders: Certain types of new freepoints are supported now. When the hero gets enough XP to climb up two levels at once, he will actually perform these two levelups now. Fixed crash when viewing recipes without ResultItem. Fixed crash when summoning fog while being attacked in close combat. + Subtitles will be displayed if a soundfile is missing, even if subtitles have been deactivated in the ingame options. Timing issue on multicore processors fixed (can be switched on or off by Timer.ThreadSafe in ge3.ini). + Dynamic shader caching to reduce stuttering. + The ingame font art can now be set in the ge3.ini. + Parameter "Render.DisableFocusNames" in ge3.ini now also disables all scroll message texts. + Text language adjustable via audio menu. + Display refresh rate limitation removed. + Display aspect ratio limitation removed. + At the first start of the game the current desktop screen resolution will be used. + Autodetection of adequate graphic settings improved. + Resource cache can't be changed manually anymore, but will be calculated automatically instead. Community Patch v1.75 (patch & retail version)

+ "Looting by rightclicking" can be deactivated via ge3.ini (parameter QuickLoot). Nvidia 3D Vision issue - sky at wrong depth (can be switched on or off by Render.Nvidia3DVisionFix in ge3.ini). + Width of ingame menus depends on aspect ratio of the screen resolution (can be switched on or off by GUI.AutoAspect in ge3.ini). Light calculation on vegetation corrected. + Modkit enclosed as separate installer, incl. Community Patch v1.75.14 (not in retail version) Warty odnotowania jest fakt, iż patch działa z polską wersją Gothic 3. Została ona przygotowana przez fanów tego tytułu oraz programistów z zespołu Spellbound, wybranego przez firmę Jowood do dalszego rozwijania marki Gothic.